Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mental Health Day

Isn't it strange how we neglect the health of our mind and only allow for "sick days" to be taken for physical ailments. The exhaustion and depression of the mind can be much more detriment to our daily activity that a stuffy nose or even a migraine. When did society stop caring about the whole person?
I suppose since the age of manufacturing.

Yesterday, I learned that taking a mental health day can help you to reset your entire attitude. Refraining from the day to day minutae can relieve your stress. And stress, my friends, is a killer. Just because it doesn't show up on an x-ray or evidence itself in a blood test doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And, lemme tell you. A mental health day, when you need it, when planned well, can turn that frown upside down.

Also, Alice in Wonderland is dark and delightful. I didn't think I would be impressed. As it is, I believe it was...fantastical and marvelous.

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